Financial Freedom in San Jose CA

Cheap payroll services, accounting and bookkeeping, income tax, business management, financial consulting services in california.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Financial Accounting Consulting Services

KNR become the virtual accounting department for your business. We will develop policies and procedures to streamline your business accounting process. This will increase the overall efficiency of your business operations.

The professional staff is continually updated on tax code changes on a regular basis to insure we keep our clients as up to date as possible. KNR Accounting Services has specialized in providing tax, accounting and bookkeeping services to small and medium sized businesses for over 30 years.

These Consulting services provide an excellent Tax Planning Package, working with you throughout the year……which includes preparing ALL your tax returns - both business and personal. Also Specialists in improving systems and processes to gain better decision-making tools for business owners and deliver strategic solutions for today's business.

Business Consulting Services include traditional accounting engagements, like business taxes, consulting and more. Its business continuity planning that considers your business like you do, by looking at the whole picture. Operating officers and managers of successful businesses like KNR know that they spend as much or more time working with their accountants and consulting services on current decisions and future goals as they do on quantifying and reporting the past.

Each of their senior consultants has over 25 years experience in a variety of businesses, and provide "been there, done that" experience and talent with a hands on approach on an as needed basis.

KNR achieve this through practical, customer-focused, strategic solutions developed in partnership with our clients to increase their profitability and help them to realize their maximum potential. The commitment to you is:

1 To understand your business

2 To treat you with respect

3 To be available and approachable

4 To the best value and service for the price

Monday, September 15, 2008

Business Management Services To Grow Business

KNR offers services to businesses in need of solutions. Companies objective is to provide services that will assist in marketing, accounting, practical problem solving, and improve management, professional productivity and effectiveness through long term client services.

KNR wants clients to expect a lot from us. Our goal is to help small business owners more effectively compete in today’s marketplace. Get the most professional, personalized and cost-effective business and management advice and maximize the success of your California business management services. This Company provides a comprehensive range of business, management and research services, latest Tax Tips to companies and individuals wishing to get established in California.

The teams of consultants apply innovative thinking, practical tools, services and high-powered technology to unearth business value, define a plan of action and solve your business issues. Financial Services is specializing in helping owners to grow their businesses and their bottom line. Also specialize in business consulting for both small business startups as well as big companies. Our focus is providing the support and infrastructure to companies that do not yet have or want a large internal staff.

A comprehensive list of Business Management Services to maximize your profit:-
1. Management and Organization
2. Business Operations
3. Financial Analysis
4. Marketing and Sales
5. International Trading
6. Technology Services

Business will be analyze by the classic financial measures: the balance sheet, the profit and loss statement, and the cash flow statement. These three measurements defines the financial position of the company. In this session you will learn how:

• The balance sheet tells how much the business is worth, asset and liabilities of the company.
• The profit and loss statement tells if your business is profitable or not.
• The cash flow statement predicts your cash balances into the future.